Book a Tee Time

Online Tee Times



Booking a Time -  All tee times must be booked online.  Tee times cannot be booked in person or by calling the pro shop.  Exception: day of play times may be booked online or by phone.

No Show Policy - Due to the extremely high demand for tee times, the no show policy will be strictly enforced!  Please plan your groups accurately to avoid being charged a no show fee.  All cancellations/modifications must be done online within 24 hours of scheduled tee time.

Trouble Booking a Time? - If you are a handpass holder and having trouble logging in, please be sure you are using your handpass number as your "ID" when logging into the system.  Do not use your email.  If you are trying to book a tee time and see a message that reads "This date is not available for bookings. Please see the Pro Shop for more information," all times for the requested date have been booked.  Keep checking back for any cancellations.  For all other tee time booking issues, please see the link below.

Please click here for INSTRUCTIONS on how to make a tee time.

Tee Time Policies


Tee times are every ten (10) minutes. The official time is the clock installed at the 1st tee. All members of the group must be present, signed in with the starter, and ready to tee off twenty minutes before their exact tee time. The starter will reassign times of those who fail to present themselves twenty minutes before their exact tee time.

Tee times may be reserved for twosomes, threesomes, or foursomes. Singles may book into open tee times but may not open a tee time.

Only one tee time may be reserved for any person per day. Any players wishing to play more than one round in a day may do so at the discretion of the starter.

The starter is obliged to fill twosomes and threesomes when players are available. The starter may, if necessary, reschedule the starting time of a twosome in order to facilitate the flow of play on the 1st tee.


Resident Of Westport With A Current Golf HandPass

Tee time reservations can be obtained up to 5 days in advance as follows:

A resident with a current Golf Handpass making a tee time on Friday, Saturday, Sunday or holiday must play in that tee time.

Day of play reservations may be made online up to one hour before the desired tee time.


Longshore Golf Course
260 South Compo Road
Westport, CT 06880

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